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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Strike at the Seat of Trouble on eBay

We've all seen the famous Hitler spot striker matchcover where you can strike at the seat of trouble by striking a match on the seat of Hitler's pants, but this lot of them, including the original box came up on eBay recently. There's ten full books, features I might add, and the seller is asking $1500 for. That's $150 a piece by my math. According to the box itself, it was shipped with only ten full books (10 match packs, 150 laughs).

The two things I find interesting in this auction is 1) The box they were shipped in is included, which I have never seen and 2) These matchbooks were features, each match bearing the image of a bomb.

I have this cover in my WW II patriotics collection, but never realized that it was a feature.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Train Lines

A few more interesting covers I purchased at the RMS convention this year, this time with a focus on trains.These were not dime covers, but I believe I got a pretty fair price from Clem Pater on a large group I purchased from him.Thanks Clem!

Up first is an older, unstruck cover for the GM&N line train "The Rebel"

I didn't realize when I bought these that the cover for the Seaboard Railway featured a patriotic theme on one side. I wasn't paying attention when I bought them so just last night I noticed that the Iron Horse has grown arms and is giving Hitler, Hirohito, and Mussolini the old one, two punch. Great stuff.

Detail of the Seaboard Railway patriotic cover.

The Southern Belle, the "Sweetheart of American Trains

Detail from the Southern Belle.

A beautiful, unstruck cover for the Southern Pacific Lines, advertising their meal services.

Another nice GM&O cover advertising the streamlined Rebel train and the Rebel Route.