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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

White Spatz and Lots of Dollars

Continuing my foray into gorgeous mid 1930's covers depicting the glamorous life of the obscenely rich, here are two other very nice covers I acquired at UES in Hagerstown this year.

The cover for the Tiffin Room is really something, isn't it? Less stylistic than the other covers, it still shows a very well dressed man in what looks to be a tuxedo and a woman in long red coat. It sure looks to me like they're either getting in a very fancy elevator or exiting one. A little google searching (which is pretty fun, actually) turn this up:

"This was the Wolferman (an upscale grocery from what I gathered) downtown store -- the first floor was the grocery; in the basement was the grill, and upstairs was the Tiffin Room" 
( from )

The cover for the Cafe Loyale is very stylized and similar to the Nikabob cover. It was a feature and has printing "Patented in Canada - 1932" on the back, which I have not seen before.

High Hats and Arrow Collars

Two gorgeous older covers picked up in Hagerstown at the United Eastern Swapfest this year. The first is for The Stevens Cafe Nikabob or Nikabob Cafe (there are several variations). One of my favorite recent acquisitions, the abstract design of the man with top hat and cane and woman with what's obviously a fur stole of some sort looks amazing on this mid 1930's cover.

The Nikabob Cafe, circa 1930's, located at 875 South Western Avenue in Los Angeles. The Nikabob Cafe got it's name from Nick __ and Bob Cobb of the Brown Derby and Cobb Salad fame. (From )

An add for the Nikabob with luncheon and dinner prices.

The next cover is for The Palomar Ballroom, also in Los Angeles, was built in 1925 and was "billed as the largest and most famous dance hall on the West Coast. The dance hall could accomodate four thousand couples". (From )

For more info on The Palomar, please visit as they have lots of info and more images.

Thirty Strikes

There's a lot of nice looking and interesting thirty strike covers out there, and over time I've grown to like them and have picked up quite a few. Here are some recent ones I've picked up that I thought were interesting:

These classic 30 strikes from Miami would be right at home lighting a cigarette in the hands of early 1960's Mad Men execs fresh from a  tropical vacation. 

The Sea Breeze cover is a nice design and does well using only green and a few spots of blue. My favorite part of this cover is the blue ocean waves with white text inside stating "on the ocean".

The 30 Stick Lion Match for the Park Avenue Restaurant seems a little older, and the colors are very Miami-ish. A postcard from the World Famous Park Avenue Restaurant, shown below, looks like quite the snazzy place the grab a bite by the beach.

This cover for Pure-Pak Cartons is interesting in that it's not selling anything to the average consumer, instead advertising for the most likely new technology of using wax lined, paper milk cartons.

I've been collecting covers with old signs on them advertising for all sorts of things, and in this case, motels.

Two beautiful examples of 30 strike covers for the city of San Francisco and the Putnam & Thurston's restaurant.

A 21 Feature cover that's essentially the same size as a 30 strike, advertises a new way to ship eggs, in the Kys Padflat egg packing container. Great colors and nice graphics.

A 30 strike cover for White King Foam Action Cleanser fits nicely into my collection of product items.

Another 21 Feature cover (essentially the same size as a 30 strike) advertises the Fairways.

I was thrilled to find a cover for this older local motel in Northern Virginia. Along route 50 and route 29 in Fairfax there are two older motels, the Anchorage Motel being one of them. It has somewhat of a dubious reputation nowadays, but nonetheless, it's a nice cover commemorating one of the few (nautical) themed motels left in the area.

Careful kids! A google image search for the Anchorage Motel does return some Not Safe For Work images.

Chester Fried Chicken

Chester Fried Chicken is "a quick service, fresh, fried, chicken franchise worth making a stop" according to the company website. I was surprised to find this cover as I had not heard anything about Chester Fried since I was a kid. Sometimes found sold in gas stations but also in brick and mortar shops, Chester Fried is some of the best fried chicken I've ever had, not to mention their fantastic potato wedge fries.


I'm not sure where Meadow Lake, SK is (it's in Saskatchewan, Canada), but as a kid I could find Chester Fried at the Par Mar gas station in the small town in Ohio where my grandmother lived. I've talked about this place for years and the people I've mentioned it to that remember it recall it as fantastic.